The University of Cape Town – Committed to a Green Campus Transformation
Watering the seeds of change
Postwink has enjoyed a growing relationship with University of Cape Town, its members of staff and students from as early as 2010. We showcased one of our very first recycling Igloos at a UCT expo organised by the UCT”s Green Campus student team.
Prior to Postwink becoming a registered and approved vendor in 2018, faculty heads would contact us directly to order recycle bins, on an adhoc basis, for use in their offices. At that stage, however, there were no clear guidelines for waste separation or for the most effective and efficient use of the bins. These guidelines were later developed and finalised by UCT’s Environmental Sustainability Director, Manfred Braune, and Noelene le Cordier in the Estates & Custodial team, as part of UCT’s sustainability transformation plans. UCT included Postwink in its process of deciding on recycling artwork which ensures that the recycling initiative has consistent signage and colours. Consistency helps students to separate their waste better, which in turn helps with having cleaner recyclables and achieving better recycling rates.
Going green and beyond
In more recent years, UCT’s Nursery at Upper Campus has been instrumental in the planning, implementation and improvement of the recycling initiatives.
The current separation guidelines are: green for recyclables, yellow for non-recyclables and blue for paper inside the buildings.
The brown-labelled Ecocylinders for Organic Waste are currently part of a pilot initiative to be used inside various kitchens and canteens throughout the campus in order to divert food waste, in preparation for the Western Cape’s commitment to ban organic waste to landfill from 2027. This trial has not yet started but will likely commence in 2023.
Postwink products currently in use at University of Cape Town:
- Polyplanks (“wood” made from recycled plastic) which house 240L wheelie bins, for the outside areas.
- Titanic units, which house 140L wheelie bins, for the busy indoor corridors / areas.
- Cement units with durable colour-coded lids (green for recyclable, yellow for non-recyclable) throughout the campus outside areas.
- Colour-coded Ecocylinders (yellow, green, blue) are being placed in the offices and less populated areas (keeping paper separate to reduce contamination and better recycling of paper)
- Ecocylinders branded in light brown for the food-producing areas to keep the food scraps / food waste separate.
Smart Waste is the on-site waste management company contracted by UCT to sort and remove all recyclables and waste for the University.
We thank the UCT’s Estates & Custodial staff and the Sustainability team for their dedication and time in implementing such a project for the benefit of all students, staff, other patrons and essentially, the environment.
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